- Diffusiophoresis, Batchelor scale and effective Péclet numbers, F. Raynal, R. Volk, J. Fluid Mech. 876 pp. 818-829 (2019).
- Effect of fluid inertia on the orientation of a small prolate spheroid settling in turbulence, K. Gustavsson, M. Z. Sheikh, D. Lopez, A. Naso, A. Pumir and B. Mehlig, New J. Phys. 21, 083008 (2019).
- Self-propulsion of symmetric chemically active particles: Point-source model and experiments on camphor disks, D. Boniface, C. Cottin-Bizonne, R. Kervil, C. Ybert, and F. Detcheverry, Phys. Rev. E 99, 062605 (2019).
- Small dust grain dynamics on adaptive mesh refinement grids. I. Methods, U. Lebreuilly, B. Commerçon, G. Laibe, A&A 626, A96 (2019).
- A simplified and versatile calibration method for multi-camera optical systems in 3D Particle Imaging. N. Machicoane, A. Aliseda, R. Volk, M. Bourgoin, Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 035112 (2019).
- Extreme velocity gradients in turbulent flows, D. Buaria, A. Pumir, E. Bodenschatz and PK Yeung, New J. Phys. 21, 043004 (2019).
- Cascade leading to the emergence of small structures in vortex ring collisions, R. McKeown, R. Ostilla-Mónico, A. Pumir, M. P. Brenner and S. M. Rubinstein, Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 124702 (2018).
- Cosmic-ray propagation in the bi-stable interstellar medium. I. Conditions for cosmic-ray trapping, B. Commerçon, A. Marcowith, Y. Dubois, A&A 622, id.A143 (2018).
- Gas and multi-species dust dynamics in viscous protoplanetary discs: the importance of the dust back-reaction, G. Dipierro, G. Laibe, R. Alexander & M. Hutchison, MNRAS 479, 4187-4206 (2018).
- Flybys in protoplanetary discs: I. Gas and dust dynamics, N. Cuello et al., MNRAS 483, 4114–4139 (2018).
- A. Naso, M. Z. Sheikh, A. Pumir and E. Lévêque, Inertial effects on the settling and collisions between spheroids in a turbulent flow, 17th European Turbulence Conference, 3-6 Sept. 2019, Torino , Italy.
- F. Raynal, M. Bourgoin, C. Cottin-Bizonne, C. Ybert, R. Volk, Mixing or demixing with a pinch of salt, Seminario Enzo Levi, May 2019, Mexico (invited talk).