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Presentation of the Scientific Breakthrough Project "TurBullet"
The TurBullet project
TurBullet is a scientific consortium of the University of Lyon, funded by the IDEXLyon. It focuses on the investigation of turbulent particle laden flows, in situations where particles drift and/or self-propell in the fluid. This is for instance the case of settling particles or living entities, which are ominpresent in natural and industrial systems. The consortium gathers mathematicians, physicists, mechanical engineers, astro and geophysicists and combines theoretical, experimental and numerical investigations.
Scientific context
In spite of its apparent simplicity, the problem of spherical particles settling in a fluid hides a whole hierarchy of rich intricate phenomena, some of which are still shrouded in mystery. The question is by no means just rhetorical, as it impacts numerous real situations, such as the atmospheric dispersion of pollutants, dynamics of dust in proto-planetary accretion disks, transport of grains in geophysical flows and sprays in industrial processes to cite just a few examples. Unveiling the fundamental mechanisms of drifting particles (the case of settling corresponding to gravity induced drift) in turbulence has become a crucial issue to improve our capacity to accurately model and predict such particle-laden flows.